
In Rust you don’t handle errors through try...catch/except but through a special type called a Result. You also don’t handle out of bound indexing (like my_list[3] where my_list has only 2 items) through NULL combined with defensive programming but through Option (although: you can but it’s not the best way). This blog post is for people who want to know how and why Rust is forcing you to use this pattern. After reading this you should be able to appreciate and love it.

The Wrapper Type

Result and Option are types that wrap a value. For example, a value of type u64 can be wrapped in an Option:

//      variable name     type                value
let     my_value        : u64               = 42;
let     wrapped_value   : Option<u64>       = Some(my_value);

In the case of Option (doc):

  • There are 2 variants: Option::Some and Option::None. They are both in the “std prelude”, this means you can just write Some or None instead.
  • There is only one type argument (T): the type of the inner value. (u64 in this example).

Only the variant Some is able to hold a value. The variant None means “no value”. Because of that, you can actually use a wrapper type that will never hold any value but still knows what type of value it should have if it had one. For example, this is an Option of u64 with no value:

//      variable name     type                value
let     wrapped_value   : Option<u64>       = None;

Handling a Wrapper Type

The point of using a wrapper type is to force the developer to handle all cases, including the failing ones. Since the value is wrapped in an Option, the only way to get the value back is to handle the case were the Option’s variant is Some and when it is None. This is usually done using match or if let. Example with match:

//      variable name     type                value
let     my_value        : u64               = 42;
let     wrapped_value   : Option<u64>       = Some(my_value);

match wrapped_value {
    Some(inner_value) => {
        // inner_value is of type u64
        println!("The value is: {}", inner_value);
    None => {
        println!("No value")

Another way to deal with a wrapper type is to actually not handle it at all. Example with unwrap:

//      variable name     type                value
let     my_value        : u64               = 42;
let     wrapped_value   : Option<u64>       = Some(my_value);

// We can "unwrap" `Option<u64>` to `u64` using the method `.unwrap()`:
let     my_value_back      : u64               = wrapped_value.unwrap();
println!("The value is: {}", my_value_back);

Both codes do the same but the difference is that one actually handles the case where the Option is None, while the other panics when the Option is None. Panicking means that your program is going to stop abruptly. It’s a bit like a try...catch/except where the program does not handle the exception.

By now you should notice that using the Option pattern actually forces the developer to deal with the None case. For example, in Rust this code won’t compile:

//      variable name     type                value
let     my_value        : u64               = 42;
let     wrapped_value   : Option<u64>       = Some(my_value);

// Crashes with something like "`Display` is not implemented for
// `Option<u64>`".
// If you are curious to understand this error: this is because `{}` requires
// that the type implements the trait `Display`.
println!("The value is: {}", wrapped_value);

In programming languages that have a NULL this code would have compiled successfully. This means that if you didn’t handle the NULL case (because you are only human and you forgot, oops), this will break at runtime. Maybe it will break during a Q&A testing, maybe it will break in production… Or maybe you wrote a test somewhere to make sure this case is handled properly. If you did write a test to ensure this won’t break at runtime, you have effectively increased the number of line of codes and maintenance cost of your application. Which is fine if the programming language leaves you no other choice. But in Rust the Option type allows the compiler to check this for us, so we do not need to write tests for this.

Though it is important to note that some modern languages that have a NULL handle the NULL case using a special marker on the type (usually ?). This is out of the scope of this article but if you are curious about it you could check “null safety” in Swift and Kotlin.

The TL;DR here is: even though it feels cumbersome, forcing the developer to handle exceptions (None and Err (introduced later in this post) cases) is actually good for the quality of life. In the next section we will see how we can make it handy instead of cumbersome.

Manipulating Wrapper Types

Option and Result share a lot of common methods like: unwrap, map, and_then, or, or_else, unwrap_or_else, etc… These methods can be use to make transformations in and on the wrapper type itself. For example, you can transform an Option<u64> to an Option<String> using .map():

//      variable name     type                value
let     my_value        : u64               = 42;
let     wrapped_value   : Option<u64>       = Some(my_value);

// `.map()` takes a closure that has, in this case:
//  -  in input: `u64`
//  -  in output: `String`
let     transformed     : Option<String>    =|inner_value| inner_value.to_string());

But you can also make transformations that will get rid of the wrapper type. For example, using unwrap_or_else you can unwrap an Option<String> to a String and provide a default value in case the Option is None:

//      variable name     type                value
let     wrapped_status  : Option<String>    = None;

// This will print "n/a" because the wrapped_status is `None`. Otherwise it
// would have print the status inside the wrapper type.
    "System current status: {}",
    wrapped_status.unwrap_or_else(|| "n/a".to_string()),

The real power comes in when all these methods can be combined and chained together to express an idea:

fn is_running(wrapped_status: Option<String>) -> bool {
        // Returns true if the status is "connected"
        .map(|status| status == "connected")
        // Try to unwrap it but return false if it can't
        .unwrap_or_else(|| false)

Handling Result Like a Boss

Result is a different beast (doc):

  • Just like Option it has 2 variants: Result::Ok and Result::Err. They also are directly accessible because they are in the “std prelude”. (So you can write directly Ok and Err.)
  • But it has 2 type arguments: one (T) for its value used in the Result::Ok variant (which is similar to Option::Some) and another one (E) used for its error variant called Result::Err.

Because the error case has a type, Result are harder to handle than Option. This is because the error type must be the same if you want to chain things with Result. For example, the following code won’t compile:

//      variable name     type                value
let     input           : Vec<u8>           = vec![52, 50];

// This code will try to read a sequence of bytes as a string and then parse
// it to an integer but it will fail.
// It fails because:
//  -  `String::from_utf8` will return an error of type `FromUtf8Error`
//  -  `u64::from_str_radix` will return an error of type `ParseIntError`
let     my_value        : Result<u64, _>    =
        .and_then(|string| u64::from_str_radix(&string, 10));

This is unfortunate and this makes Rust’s Result a bit cumbersome. To solve this you will need one of these 2 crates:

  • if you are building a binary: anyhow;
  • if you are building a library: thiserror.

Let’s focus on using anyhow for now as it is the easiest to understand. anyhow provides its own Result, a trait Context and a bail!() macro.

The Result of anyhow is capable to transform any kind (or almost) of error to its own error type. This means you now have a common error type for any error of any library.

The Context trait extends any error of any library by adding the methods .context() and .with_context(). This allow the developer to give an error message depending on its context (thus its name) and at the same time transform the error to an anyhow error, thus making it compatible.

Finally the bail() macro is handy when you want to return immediately an error. This is kinda like return Err(...). We will talk about it in the next part of this blog post series.

Let’s now fix our previous example using anyhow:

// The trait `Context` needs to be in scope for the method `.context()` to be
// available.
use anyhow::Context;

//      variable name     type                value
let     input           : Vec<u8>           = vec![52, 50];

// this code will try to read a sequence of bytes as a string and then parse
// it to an integer
let     my_value        : anyhow::Result<u64> =
        // Transform `FromUtf8Error` to `anyhow::Error` and add a message
        .context("Cannot read byte sequence as UTF-8")
        .and_then(|string| {
            u64::from_str_radix(&string, 10)
                // Transform `ParseIntError` to `anyhow::Error` and add a
                // custom message generated with a closure
                .with_context(|| {
                    format!("Cannot parse string as integer: {}", string)

Now that our errors are compatible, we can chain the wrapper methods together (.and_then).

Another important point to note about the .context() method is that it also also available on Option. Yes, that means you can transform an Option to a Result easily and add a message of your choice:

use anyhow::Context;

//      variable name     type                        value
let     wrapped_status  : Option<String>            = None;
let     result_status   : anyhow::Result<String>    =
        .context("Could not get system status!");

To summarize what we have learned in this section, I would give you this real life example shared on Reddit recently at the time I wrote this blog post (which has inspired it):

// Original code not handling the error/none cases

If you do want to handle all the wrapper types and avoid panicking, you can chain all the Result and Option together using anyhow:

// Updated code handling the error/none cases

use anyhow::Context;

//      variable name     type                    value
let     result          : anyhow::Result<i64>   =
        // We need to avoid taking ownernship of the field `result`
        // Transform whatever this is to `anyhow::Result`
        .context("No valid input found")
        // We don't know what this is but `.as_str()` seems to return a
        // wrapper type... probably only if valid UTF-8 (it's just a guess)
        .and_then(|result| result.as_str().context("Not valid UTF-8"))
        // Oh but we can still transform our string reference using map!
        .map(|string| string.trim_start_matches("0x"))
        // Parse the hexadecimal but convert the result to `anyhow::Result`
        .and_then(|string| {
            i64::from_str_radix(string, 16).context("Could not parse integer")

match result {
    Ok(inner_value) => {
        println!("The value is: {}", inner_value);
    Err(err) => {
        eprintln!("Error: {}", err);

In the next article we will see how to use the ? operator and the crate thiserror.